Community Impact

Wildfire resources for you and the family

September 16, 2020

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With wildfires affecting much of our region, it can be hard to find the exact information you need and ways to stay updated on the current situation as it develops.

Below is a list of resources we’ve found to be helpful and updated regularly while the wildfires and poor air quality continue in Oregon and Washington. 

Oregon.Gov - Concerned about health risks or what to do in poor air quality? The Oregon Health Authority has some recommendations on keeping you healthy. Including important information on how to lower your exposure to smoke. Washington residents, click here for similar helpful information.

The State of Oregon Wildfire Site – The perfect place to find links to local resources, updated information on the current situation of the wildfires and evacuations, health safety information, and community organizations to follow. The State of Oregon is doing a great job of updating this website regularly. For Washington information, click here.

CDC Wildfires - The CDC has some great resources for specific concerns or groups that may be more at risk with smoke; pregnancy, children, asthma, COPD, and heart disease. They list a lot of helpful links and have some important guidance for heath professionals. 

IQ Air Quality – An air quality website that will let you know about the current air quality in your hometown and what to expect in the coming days. 

Ready.Gov - A great resource on how to prepare your family for evacuations, what to do to prepare, what to think about before an evacuation, as well as important information on during and after you evacuate as well. 

As always, if you have concerns about the situation close to home or have concerns about how the wildfires and smoke are affecting your health, please call your local provider to discuss options available to you. 

Wildfires, Oregon, Evacuations, Health Safety, Smoke

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