Home > Randall Children's Services > Provider Resources > RCH Referral Guidelines

Randall Children’s Hospital is dedicated to working collaboratively with community providers to establish practices and protocols that will allow us to consistently deliver the highest quality of care possible to our pediatric patients. The Co-Management and Referral Guidelines on this page have been developed by a team of Randall Children’s sub-specialists with input and guidance from the local pediatric community. These tools are designed to address the evaluation and management of a variety of conditions commonly seen in our shared patients, with the goal of supporting community providers in the delivery of high-quality care in the pediatric or primary care setting. These materials also outline when, how and under what conditions community providers should consider making a referral to Randall Children’s Hospital or our specialty clinics. 

Cancer and Blood Disorders

Evaluating a Child with Neutropenia
Evaluating the Child with a Family History of a Clotting Disorder (Excessive Clotting)
Evaluating the Child with a History of Excessive Bleeding or a Family History of a Bleeding Disorder
Evaluation and Treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA)
Evaluation and Treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) - Algorithm
Initial Management of Abnormal Newborn Hemoglobinopathy Screening


Chest Pain in the Pediatric Population

Diabetes and Endocrine

Evaluation of Abnormal TSH/Subclinical Hypothyroidism in Children
Evaluation of Abnormal TSH/Subclinical Hypothyroidism in Children - Algorithm
Gender Dysphoria or Gender Variant Behavior in Children and Adolescents
Precocious Puberty
Screening for Type 2 Diabetes in Overweight/Obese Children
Screening for Type 2 Diabetes in Overweight/Obese Children - Algorithm

Eating Disorders

Evaluating a Child with Anorexia Nervosa


Gastroenterology Referral Priority List
Gastroenterology Referral Workup
Initial Evaluation for Celiac Disease in Children
Management of Constipation

General Surgery

Management of Perianal Abscess in Infancy

Infectious Diseases

Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP)
Skin and Soft Tissue Infections (SSTI)
MRSA Prevention/Decolonization - Appendix


Evaluation of Hypertension in Children


Initial Evaluation and Management of Headache
Initial Evaluation and Management of Headache - Medication Sheet

Initial Management of Febrile Convulsions

Newborn Services

Normal Newborn Screening and Routine Interventions in the First Two Weeks of Life
Nutrition Management of Preterm Infants After Hospital Discharge
Nutrition Management of Preterm Infants - Mixing Instructions and Formula Descriptions


Evaluation and Management of Intoeing
Initial Evaluation of Congenital Hip Dysplasia
Initial Evaluation of Congenital Hip Dysplasia - Illustrations 
Initial Management of Ankle Sprains


Early Diagnosis of Asthma/Early Childhood Wheeze
Poorly Controlled Asthma


For more information about these guidelines, please contact PediNet at pedinet@lhs.org Questions or feedback?

These guidelines are intended solely for the use of health care professionals who are licensed to practice medicine. This material is not intended to replace professional medical judgment, prescribing information or consultation with a medical professional. Any health care provider using this material acknowledges full responsibility for the medical care and treatment of patients. All health care providers are solely responsible for confirming the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, appropriateness and helpfulness of this material and making all medical, diagnostic or prescription decisions.