Resources & Videos
Learn about what’s available to you after diagnosis and treatment.
Resources to help you thrive
This is not a comprehensive list but a place to start. We recommend using online sources backed by research, like the ones listed here, and use your healthcare team as the primary source of information related to your health.
Survivorship & follow-up after treatment
American Cancer Society (Available in multiple languages)
National Cancer Institute (Available in multiple languages)
Cancer Care
Livestrong Foundation
Facing Forward: Life After Cancer Treatment booklet
American Institute for Cancer Research
Foundation for Women's Cancer
FORCE - Facing Hereditary Cancer Empowered
Insurance, employment, finances
Legacy Health financial assistance
Triage Cancer
Cancer and Careers
Emotional health
Find a therapist (Psychology Today)\
A guide for finding a therapist
Emotions and Cancer - NCI
Lifeline (
Fear of recurrence
Cook for Your Life
Cancer-Fighting Kitchen
Cancer Dietitian
Physical activity
Physical Activity and Cancer Fact Sheet
Young survivors (45 and under)
Young Survival Coalition
Stupid Cancer
Cactus Cancer Society
Sexual health
Self-image and sexuality
Find a certified sex counselor or therapist
Sexual side effects and fertility
Livestrong fertility program
Thriving beyond cancer
Anticancer lifestyle program
Smoking cessation
Clean living consumer guides
Family and caregiver resources
Bright Spot Network
Help for Cancer Caregivers
Cancer Support Helpline
Children's books dealing with cancer
Helping children when someone they know has cancer
Cancer Education Videos
View our library of cancer videos where Legacy Health's experts and partners provide education about cancer symptoms, screenings, treatments, and more. Cancer survivors also share their personal stories and insights about their experiences dealing with cancer.