Pain Management

Services and Treatments

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Helping control and manage pain

Legacy Health will work with you to help manage your pain while reducing your dependence on medication by providing: 

  • Medical examination 
  • Medication evaluation 
  • Tools to build coping skills to manage stress and improve sleep 
  • Physical therapy to improve daily function 
  • Behavioral assessment 
  • Education and support groups 
  • Mind-body medicine 
  • Interventional options for pain management (injections) 
  • Pre-surgical pain management planning 
  • Inpatient consultations 

In addition, we offer drug pumps and neuro-stimulators (spinal cord stimulators). 

Drug pumps

Unlike medications that circulate throughout your body in your bloodstream, drug delivery therapy releases medication directly into the fluid surrounding your spinal cord, which may lead to fewer or more tolerable drug side effects. 


These implantable devices may help you manage your pain, restore your ability to do everyday activities and decrease your need for oral pain medications - overall improving your quality of life.


The dangers of opioids have become more apparent in recent years.  At Legacy and around the world, chronic pain treatment is changing. We are moving toward safer, more comprehensive and longer-lasting treatments. 

At our Legacy Good Samaritan center, we may offer Suboxone as an option to help with an opioid taper for a limited number of patients with painful conditions. We do not offer Suboxone to persons who require it for treatment of opiate addiction. We do not offer Suboxone at our Salmon Creek center. 



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