Legacy patients with Regence insurance

Alliance or High-Performance Network plans

Home > Legacy Health and Regence BCBS Contract Negotiation > To Legacy Patients with Regence Alliance or High-Performance Network insurance

March 22, 2024

Dear Legacy Health Patient, 
I’m writing to follow up on the February letter that you may have received about contract negotiations between Legacy and Regence.  

I want to reassure you that nothing is changing with your access to Legacy hospitals, clinics and services. We were able to agree to a separate contract, so Legacy will continue to be in-network for members enrolled in the following plans: 

  • Regence Legacy LHP (Alliance) plans and
  • High-Performance Network plans continue to be in-network for all Legacy hospitals, clinics and services.  

This is an important distinction to know: not all BlueCross BlueShield plans are affected by the Regence contract. 

How to identify your plan
There are a couple ways to know if your plan is an Alliance or High-Performance Network plan. The first way is most Regence Alliance and Regence Legacy plans are purchased through the Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace or Washington Health Benefit Exchange. Next, if your plan has the word “Legacy” in the name or your member ID card has the Legacy logo or High-Performance Network logo, you will still be in-network for Legacy services. For member ID card examples, go to legacyhealth.com/RegenceContract, and click on the FAQ for Legacy patients.      

I apologize for the confusion that my previous letter may have caused you. Thank you for trusting Legacy Health with your health care. 




Merrin Permut, MHA
Vice President and Chief Population Health Officer
Legacy Health

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