Cancer Classes and Groups

Helping ease your journey.

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A group of people linking arms and offering support

The Legacy Cancer Institute provides a range of groups and classes to support you and your family through the diagnosis, treatment and recovery of cancer. These support groups and classes provide ongoing education, activities and emotional support for individuals whose lives are touched by cancer. Our holistic approach sets us apart, because we understand that you have a life, not just a diagnosis.

Our current class and group schedule

The Legacy Cancer Healing Center offers mostly online VIRTUAL meetings.  IN-PERSON groups and classes are held at our medical centers. Click the individual links below for details.  Sign-up for our e-mail list at the bottom of the page to be notified of updates. Our classes and groups are offered for FREE to those in our community affected by cancer. 

Special virtual events

Movement and exercise

Before attending a virtual or in-person movement class, you must have your doctor fill out a Physician Release Form. You must give the completed Release Form to the instructor before your first class. Click the links below for more info and to register.

Gentle Yoga with Addie (Salmon Creek)
  • Tuesdays, 5:15 - 6:15 pm
  • virtual and in-person

                        Yoga with Patti (Mount Hood)
  • Mondays, 11:00 am−12:30 pm and
  • Fridays, 1:00−2:30 pm
  • virtual and in-person
Qigong & T’ai Chi with Wendy
  • Tuesdays, 11:30 am−12:30 pm and
  • Thursdays, 10:00 −11:00 am
  • virtual only
  Yoga with Patti (Good Samaritan)
  • Mondays, 1:00−2:30 pm and
  • Fridays, 10:45 am−12:15 pm
  • virtual only
Pilates with Martha 
  • Wednesdays, 5:00 − 6:00 pm
  • virtual only

Art therapy and writing

For more information about Art Therapy at the Legacy Cancer Healing Center, please visit the Art Therapy webpage.

Finding Center: Virtual Art Marking for Mindfulness & Stress Reduction

Words for Healing: Virtual Writing Workshops


Expressions of Healing: In-Person Art & Community for Adults with Cancer



Mind-body events

*NEW* Meditation for People Who Can't Sit Still

  • Sunday, May 19. 1:30-3:30 pm
  • in-person at Salmon Creek

Gong Meditation

  • Saturday, April 6. 9:00-10:30 am
  • in-person at Meridian Park
Forest Bathing or Shinrin-Yoku
  • Sunday, June 23. 9:30-11:30 am
  • in-person at Mary S. Young Park
  Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation
  • Wednesday, June 19. 1:30-2:30 pm
  • virtual

Cancer support groups

Support Groups offer peer-to-peer support and education for adults coping with diagnosis, treatment and recovery from various cancers. Virtual groups are held on-going monthly, in a drop-in format. Contact staff below with questions and for virtual meeting link.

 Breast Cancer Support Group                    Prostate Cancer Support Group 


Woman’s Advanced and Metastatic Support Group

  Head and Neck Cancer Support Group
  • First Thursday of every month, 4:00−5:30 pm
  • Julia Robinson, 503-413-2841

    For more information

    • Our classes and groups are offered for FREE to those affected by cancer, thanks to generous donations to the Cancer Funds of the Legacy Health Foundations. Thank you for supporting our work!