Kristine Griess, DO
Not accepting new patients
My Specialties:
Family Medicine, Board-certified; Medical Bariatrics; Osteopathic Medicine; Preventive MedicineMy Areas of Focus:
Asthma, Chronic Fatigue, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Headaches, Metabolism, Migraines, Obstetrics, Restless Leg Syndrome, Seasonal Affective Disorder, Complete Women's Health, Obesity Medicine, Nutrition, Thyroid Disease, Prediabetes, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Lipids, Integrative Medicine, Hyperlipidemia, General endocrine conditions and diabetes, DiabetesLanguages:
English, Interpreters available for other languagesGender:
Legacy Health PartnersWhere I see patients
Where I see patients
Merritt Health and Wellness
6035 SE Milwaukie Ave
Portland, OR 97202 - 971-258-1120
- 866-309-2838
- M-F 7:30am-6pm, Sat 11-2pm.
Year I Started Practice:
Hospitals Served:
Legacy Meridian Park Medical Center, Legacy Meridian Park Medical Center
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