Lydia Collins, MD, MD
My Specialties:
Gynecology, Board-certified; Gynecology, Board-certifiedMy Areas of Focus:
Abnormal Bleeding (Management), Abnormal Pap Smear, Bloodless Surgery Program, Cervical Disease, Complex Gynecological Consultations, Depoprovera, Infertility, Laparoscopic Surgery, Medical Record Review, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Complete Women's HealthLanguages:
English, Interpreters available for other languagesGender:
Legacy Health PartnersWhere I see patients
Where I see patients
Cascade Women's Health, PC
1040 NW 22nd Ave, Ste 330
Portland, OR 97210 - 503 274-9936
- 503 274-2660
Mount Sinai Medical Center - Chicago, IL
Mount Sinai Medical Center - Chicago, IL
Mount Sinai Medical Center - Chicago, IL
Mount Sinai Medical Center - Chicago, IL
Medical School:
Loyola Strich School of Medicine
Medical School:
Loyola Strich School of Medicine
Year I Started Practice:
Hospitals Served:
Legacy Emanuel Medical Center, Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center, Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center
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