John Yang, MD, FACOG

Accepting new patients

Patient Rating:

4.4 Read all reviews

My Specialties:

Obstetrics & Gynecology


English, Interpreters available for other languages




Legacy Health Partners
Internship: University of Medicine & Dentistry of NJ-RWJ, New Brunswick, New Jersey
Medical School: University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Residency: Yale University Hospital, New Haven, Connecticut
Undergraduate: Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
Hospitals Served: Legacy Silverton Medical Center

Patient Rating

Legacy wants every patient to have great care, every time. To help measure and improve patient satisfaction, we send surveys to randomly selected patients after their appointments. We use this feedback from the surveys to improve and enhance the care we offer. Learn more about our surveys & ratings

Average Rating:  4.4 out of 5.0
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  Jun 05, 2024
The office feels like a prison. It's hard to tell where the front is, and the inside the office made everything even more unpleasant. The staff was nice. But I don't think my provider took my pain or discomfort during the cervical biopsy seriously. It seems pretty barbaric to take a biopsy of any body part without something to block the pain.

  May 24, 2024
Their office is very clean and the staff was also very very nice and I would recommend this office to a family or friend

  Mar 16, 2024
My visit went really well the front receptionist was super sweet and just made the clinic light up from the start. The MA was super good at her job and was easy to make conversation with and made me feel more comfortable for an awkward appointment, she really knows what she's doing. The doctor and the chaperone are AMAZING she was making sure I was comfortable and she calmed my nerves. Dr Yang was so professional and made me feel heard. I really appreciate this clinic and the team.

  Mar 08, 2024
He was very rude and despite having multiple drs who suggested I had pcos due to having many of the symptoms, he expressed his disbelief of me having the syndrome and told me, in a summarized statement, that my symptoms are due to me being morbidly obese. He didn't preform an exam either.

  Mar 06, 2024
Very happy with the clinic and Dr. Yang.

  Feb 23, 2024
I was only waiting a couple of minutes before I was called to go to the exam room. The doctor arrived only about five minutes after that.

  Dec 22, 2023
Provider was not compassionate or caring, made me feel bad for being concern for my health. Definitely do not wish to see him again

  Nov 07, 2023
Dr Yang was amazing although he didn't seem to want to answer my questions. I wasn't sure if he isn't allowed to give me his opinions, or if he just didn't want to be the person to give me bad news, but I have made an appointment to see someone else to get my questions answered.

  Nov 02, 2023
I called multiple time with concerns related to my thalassemia and how it could affect my pregnancy. I was continually brushed off by the nursing staff. Asked multiple times to be referred to someone knowledgeable about thalassemia and how it could affect my pregnancy was offered longer appointment times but was not referred to a doctor. I had to demand to speak to an obgyn about my concerns. After multiple months of continually telling the nurses that I was high risk due to my thalassemia, and being ignored and told I was low risk, I was finally referred to a high risk doctor kelly kou. I do not know what finally made them refer me but I believe that after I demanded to speak to an obgyn at my next appointment that john yang reviewed my file and told them to refer me. I should have been referred immediately after I told them I had thalassemia. Not months later.I was told by a nurse that thalassemia minor and beta thalassemia are two different things. Then rudely told "do you not even know what type of thalassemia you have". I tried to explain that it's called beta thalassemia minor. And I also further explained to the nurse that this is information I recieved from my mother at a young age and that it was possible that I had a more severe form of thalassemia but I have never had tests to confirm what type of beta thalassemia I have. I once again was brushed off.At my very first appointment I was the victim of neglect and racism by the nursing staff. I went home that day thinking things seemed a bit off at my appointment, but that all was fine until I looked over the notes and summaries of my first appointment. The nurse from my first appointment had multiple errors on my notes saying that I had no symptoms of headache, nausea. That was not what I had told her. She put that she was unable to get my height and weight. That is also untrue. She spent most of the time speaking to me about drug use and then put down that my mother and father are Hispanic. She never once asked about my race and assumed my race based off my skin color. There was a witness in the room that can confirm this. I am not Hispanic. I am white, black and Filipino. It is racist and wrong to assume something about a patient based on skin color. It is further concerning that she decided to put this in my official visit summary. I also had to call and request to have a complete blood count done. I was under the impression that a cbc is routine but for some reason the time and care was not put in to assure this was taken care of. The nurse later messaged me on My Health saying she had "assumed" that it was part of my orders and was sorry that it was missed. During both of my appointments the nursing staff did not follow proper procedures when taking someone's blood pressure. At the first appointment the nurse held my arm against her body under her breast and during the second appointment with Dr. Yang the nurse had my arm laying in my lap. The arm should be on a flat surface at heart level or so I thought. It Is very concerning to me that the nursing staff do not follow proper procedures when taking vital signs. This combined with all the other issues made me lose trust towards the nursing team and legacy health in general.I called after I read the summaries of my first appointment to express my concerns about my parents being marked as Hispanic, the way my blood pressure was taken, and the other errors in the summaries from my first appointment. After I expressed my concerns she told me that I would recieve a call from the director of the nursing staff which never happened. She admitted that the nurse was "assuming" things based off my skin color and claimed that the other errors on my chart were computer errors. Saying that she was sorry but that people are "human and make mistakes". I was very angry at this time and said one or two mistakes are understandable but 5 to 6 mistakes combined with racism are not. I noticed a notable difference in the way I was treated after I complained. Whenever I would call in about my concerns after that the head nurse would be notably rude to me until I just gave up trying to call at all. When I saw doctor yang he seemed annoyed that he even had to deal with me. He asked if the nurses had referred me and I said yes I had recieved a call earlier that day and that I was to see kelly kou next week to go over concerns about my thalassemia. Instead of asking me to lift my dress or verbally explaining what he wanted to do he waved his hand at me in an annoyed fashion. I am unsure if I just caught him on an off day or if this is how he typically treats patients. Both of my guests that were there during the appointment said that his behavior seemed cold and uncaring. I am still going to keep my appointment with kelly kou but have already transfered my records and referred myself to work with a different doctor at the salem hospital. I would like to point out that they immediately placed me as high risk at the salem hospital after going over my records. This appointment isn't until December which is the only reason I am continuing to be seen at legacy health at all. Instead of being excited about my upcoming appointment with Dr. Kou I am concerned that I will continue to receive the same poor treatment. Which has left me in tears at times.I don't know who will read this or take the time to care but I have lost trust towards the entire team at Legacy Health. A few mistakes are understandable but what has happened to me isn't. I also feel that I will most likely be retaliated against for advocating for myself and comparing about the way I have been treated. I feel this way because that is what has been happening already. I would never recommend Legacy Health or the provider Dr. Yang to anyone.
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