Lung Cancer Screening
Finding it early can save lives.

What you need to know
Lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer death in the U.S., often is not found until it has spread, making it more difficult to treat. But there is some good news for current and former heavy smokers. Studies have shown that lung cancer screening can save lives.
Legacy’s Lung Cancer Screening Program locations has earned the Screening Center of Excellence (SCOE) designation from the Go 2 Foundation for Lung Cancer, which recognizes medical facilities that provide responsible, high quality low-dose CT screening for early detection of lung cancer and comply with comprehensive standards based on best practices.
Who should be screened
Legacy Cancer Institute agrees with the recommendations of the American Cancer Society, National Cancer Institute and the U.S. Preventive Task Force. Their guidelines state who is eligible for lung cancer screening and suggest where to get screened.
Smoking is the biggest risk factor for developing lung cancer. In the United States, cigarette smoking is linked to about 80% to 90% of lung cancer deaths.
Annual lung cancer screening is recommended for patients between the ages of 50 to 80 who have smoked a pack a day for 20 years (or the equivalent) who are current smokers or have quit smoking in the past 15 years.
Figure out your smoking history with this easy pack-year calculator
Screening should take place at a facility that offers a full range of follow-up testing options and a comprehensive lung cancer program.
Our goal is to detect lung cancer before it has spread through utilization of annual lung cancer screening low-dose CTs in eligible patients. Early detection allows for earlier treatment, which has shown to reduce the risk of dying from lung cancer by over 20 percent.
More information
Reduce your risk
Why choose Legacy for lung cancer screening
National Institute of Health: National Lung Screening Trial
NELSON lung cancer screening study
Schedule your screening
To learn more about lung cancer screening or to schedule an appointment, please call 503-413-8050.